Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Month 3, Day 7

So I thought I'd tell you my current situation.

I am taking January of this year as Month 1 since this is when I really started aggressive treatment. Keeping in my mind that we've been trying since 2006.

Fertility Clinic:
So as of today, Month 3, Day 7, I have been on Puregon 125u injections for 4 days now. As well, I'm on Sythyroid 0.025mg once a day to correct my irregular low thyroid hormone.

Naturopathic Medicine:
I've been on Omega-3 liquid once a day and Basic Prenatal vitamins 3x a day. As well, today I started acupuncture. Today was focused on the rise of my yin and to help with the ovulation (follicular) phase of my cycle.

It was my first ever acupuncture and it was different. It did hurt sharply at first but then it dissipated. At one point one needle started to hurt afterwards because I moved. Apparently it was placed between two tendons and when I moved it just got lodged into the wrong place. There were 4 needle points.

I broke down after hearing a song. I bawled. I was just frustrated and wondering if it'll ever happen for me. I've been avoiding "bad" foods, my teas, cough medicines, and junk food. I've been trying to eat better and cook more, but now all I want to do it curl up with a costco size bag of chips and a 2L pop in front of the TV and do nothing.

Sent from my iPod

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