Sunday, April 25, 2010

To Ashlee

Hi Ashlee,

I apologize for the delay in writing this to you.  I only saw your comment today on my blog regarding our Fertility Class.  I wanted to comment on your personal blog, but wasn't sure how public your situation was, so I thought I'd just write you a note on my blog to say "Thanks!"  It's nice to know I'm not the only one going a bit stir-crazy.  And I think being the "Cool Aunt" has a nice ring to it! :) 

After being stranded in the UK for an extra 5 days I told myself "no more exotic places! Just easy places from now on!" but I'm sure if I don't end up having children, I'll change my mind once again :).  I hope all is well with you.  Thanks again!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Abigail,

    I am jealous that you spent some time in the UK! (Thought I am NOT envious of your delayed plans. I assume that the volcano had something to do with it.) Where did you go? I lived in Nottingham for 8 months after college, working and sightseeing. It was awesome. My husband and I (no matter what the "situation" is in July) just booked tickets to go to England. I'm so excited!

    How is your treatment going? I just underwent my second IUI, and am now in the dreaded "two week wait" period. It's the worst... I just gave up running an 8-mile race today because it's the day after and you never know...sigh.

    I hope you're staying hopeful. If you don't mind bouncing frustrations and victories off me, I'd love to e-converse with someone who understands.

